Jogger Fatally Struck Trying To Save Stray Dog

14 Feb

If you’re an animal lover, you’ve done it not once, not twice, but probably at least a dozen times in your life. You’ve spotted a stray dog running in traffic, your heart got stuck in your throat, you pulled over your car, ran out into the street without a thought for your own life, all to save a dog you don’t even know.

Well today, Mara Steves did what came naturally to any animal lover. While jogging with her son in Laguna Niguel, she spotted a dog running into traffic. She knelt down to take control of the dog, an SUV ran a red light, slammed into another SUV making a turn at the intersection, the one SUV that was hit jumped the curb and hit Steves. She died instantly at the scene. Her son was unharmed. Late reports say that the dog is now safe, and immediately ran home.

My heart breaks for her family, and especially for her son who was witness to this tragedy. God bless her for her final heroic act in life. There is a special place in Heaven for Mara Steves. And tonight she is in my prayers.

Read the full story here.

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